Hurricane Season is Here… Are You Ready?

Providing employees with the ability to work remotely – with full access to their office-based Voice and Data applications – has become an essential element of business continuity, especially in our area, where a fast moving tropical storm or hurricane can suddenly make streets and buildings inaccessible.

With “plug and work” remote access to your office network, your team can use all of the features and functionality they need while at home or on the road, allowing your business to keep going in spite of the extreme weather.

CTS makes it easy to set up Voice and Data Mobility for your staff. You’ll keep your customers happy, get immediate productivity and efficiency benefits, plus hurricane protection when you need it.

While competitors scramble to find alternatives until the weather clears, it will be “business as usual” for you.

Get started now – contact us today: (800) 787-4848 or


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